For any press-related question
About DSC Europe 2018 VR:
- La Tribune on DSC 2018 (September 3rd 2018)
- Riviera Insider: How Sophia Antipolis is becoming a hub for tomorrow’s automotive industry
- Conception automobile : Renault annonce Hélios, un simulateur d’éclairage ultraréaliste
- Twitts by Usine Digitale about #DSC2018
- Simulation : bien des challenges pour le véhicue autonome
- Simulation und autonomes Fahren-Vorreiter Europa – Ideenwerk BW (from Stuttgarter Zeitung)
- Test im Virtuellen Strassenraum – Stuttgarter Zeitung
It happened during DSC Europe 2017 VR:
- Usine Digitale on ROADS (Renault)
- Usine Digitale on Renault and Clarté
- Automation on ROADS (Renault)
- Usine Digitale on Optis
- Industry of Things on FKFS
- Zonebourse on ESI Group
- 4-traders on ESI Group
They talk about the DSC Europe 2017: